Child Life Therapy aims to reduce the stress and anxiety that can be associated with hospitalisation

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ACLTA - Child Life Therapist Australia

Join Us!

ACLTA offers three different membership categories. Membership entitles you to discounted webinars and conferences, networking opportunities and support from the ACLTA executive and more.

ACLTA - Child Life Therapist Australia

How do I become a Child Life Therapist?

The required qualification for Child Life Therapists across Australia is a degree in Education.

ACLTA - Professional Development - Child Life Therapist - Australia

Professional Development

ACLTA facilitate professional development opportunities such as biennial conferences and webinars, which we encourage those looking to enter the profession to attend.

Whats on at ACLTA

ACLTA - Child Life Therapists Australia - Conference

ACLTA 2023 Conference

Watch this space!

Click below for more general event information

Find, Friend and Connect with ACLTA

Instagram @childlifeaust Facebook @childlifeaust